Apprentice Spotlight: Maureen


Meet Maureen, one of our amazing new apprentices!

Q: What made you decide to start practicing Pilates?

A: I'm a runner and was doing pretty much exclusively that up until a few years ago.  My sister got me a few Pilates sessions for Christmas one year and I was hooked!  I feel taller and stronger after each session and the concentration required to engage all the right muscles really forces me to take my mind off everything else for 50 minutes.  Body and mind refreshed all at once - score!

Q: Where can we find you when you're not in the studio?

A: This sounds so boring but you'll probably find me at work or relaxing at home with my dog, Cooper. My day job as a behavior analyst working in the autism field keeps me pretty busy!  I also teach a course at Hunter College.

Q: What's your favorite Pilates exercise?

A: Mermaid.  It looks simple but it's challenging and feels so good when you get it right.

Q: Least favorite?

A: Mountain climber.  I never liked the non-Pilates version and this is harder!

Q: Describe your teaching style in 3 words -

A: Work-in-progress :) If that doesn't count then: Structured - Individualized - Relaxed.

Q: Tell us something silly about yourself -

A: I can pinch with my toes! You develop weird methods of defense when your brother is 10 years older and significantly larger.

Q: What do you love the most about apprenticing at The Pilates Project?

A: I can shop while i'm on the reformer!  But seriously, it's the people! They are the best partClick here to register for Maureen's open level Mat class Saturdays at 9am! To book a private apprentice session with Maureen contact   


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