Lessons Learned: The Pilates Project turns 2

Two years ago this month I took a leap of faith and opened my own Pilates studio. At the time , my twins were just under 2 years old, and friends and family thought I was out of my mind for taking on such a huge endeavor.

Perhaps  ignorance is bliss, but I felt ready. I had many years of teaching experience under my belt and was used to the hours and lifestyle that comes with working in a service industry. At the time, I was renting space from another studio and I filed my own taxes. As far as I was concerned I already was running my own business. I was ready to be my own boss and do things my way. In the past two years, I did learn a thing or two ... Here's what:

Maybe I was crazy.

 Having your own studio space is a lot more work than freelancing. For one, there's a lot of housekeeping involved -- cleaning, taking out the garbage, wrestling hair out of the equipment headrest, worrying if there is too much dust, dealing with temperature control problems. managing employees, payroll taxes ... the list goes on.

I can't do it all.

  In my fantasy I am a successful entrepreneur, a fun and patient mom with loads of energy for playing princesses and superheroes, an amazing wife who maintains a spotless home and cooks organic vegan meals every night. There is a quote that says, "You can do anything but can't do everything." Turns out that while I keep my family and the business as the top priorities -- I am failing terribly in the domestic department. At the moment, I have no clean socks and I will be ordering take out for dinner.

I need lots of help.

  I have accepted that I cannot do everything and cannot be everyone's Pilates instructor. I rely so heavily on my amazing teachers, Kathy and Joanna . I pay for babysitters and for an outstanding assistant (Brielle) and I am lucky to have a husband who supports me and enjoys housework.

I really love my job.

 If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would still go to work every day, teach Pilates and run this studio. I am lucky that I have a rewarding job that I love. I am doing exactly what I set out to do and am extremely fortunate.


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