Pushing Past the Plateau - 3 Easy Ways to Go From Plateau to Progress in Pilates


We all love instant gratification. We love seeing results fast, especially when it comes to improvements in the way we look and feel. Starting a new workout or weight loss program is prime real estate for those revered and quick results. However, over time you might start to see the effects slow down which might make you question what you’re doing. Don’t. This phenomenon is called the Plateau Effect. It’s nature’s law that if you do something over time, the direct results will begin to diminish. The good thing is that we’re all on a level playing field - it’s our normal biological response to get used to things. You are not doing anything wrong if you feel like you’re not seeing those stunning results you once did. It’s not your fault, it’s just human nature. Here’s a little secret - we can actually trick our bodies into harnessing back that potential for results. It’s possible to push past the plateau and get that progress we all want just by switching things up. Here’s how…

  1. Redesign Your Workout - Sometimes just moving the couch in the living room to the other wall is enough to make people think it’s brand new. The same is true of our bodies. Make a point to change the primary apparatus you use. Normally stick to the Tower? Try scheduling a Reformer class or rev it up in a fast moving Mat. Usually take classes? Try a private instead. Your body will perceive the change as a new workout and you’ll jumpstart your results!
  1. New Voice New Focus - Try switching up your regular instructor for at least one session a week. Although each instructor teaches the same system, everyone has their own unique teaching personality. You might see yourself focusing more on form with one teacher and flow with another. Shifting focus will help to recharge your body and your mind!
  1. Three Times a Charm - Only been taking one or two sessions a week? Try committing to one month of doing 3 sessions of your choice per week. Joseph Pilates himself recommended that the best results would be seen when practicing Pilates 3 times per week. When all else fails - do what Joe would do!

Let us know if you are feeling like you’ve hit a plateau and we’ll help you make the changes we all need. Remember, sometimes the smallest change can make the biggest difference!


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