Frequently Asked Questions
Pilates is a method of physical conditioning created by German immigrant and fitness innovator Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. The method, which is based on five reigning principles: Centering, Control, Breath, Precision, and Flow of Movement, is based on the idea that before strengthening the peripheral parts of the body, one must strengthen their deepest abdominal muscles to develop a strong and stable core.
Improved alignment and posture
Stronger and leaner muscles without bulk
Abdominal muscles that draw in and up rather than protrude outward
Better balance and coordination
The Four S’s: Strength, Stamina, Stretch, and Stability
More energy
Less aches and pains
Improved confidence
Improved body awareness
Yes. Although we don't lift weights we use the resistance of springs and our own body weight as resistance.
It is recommended that Pilates is practiced at least two or three times a week for maximum results. If you are not able to commit to private sessions, small group mat and apparatus classes are recommended. We will assist you in designing a program that fits into your budget and schedule and will work with you to achieve your goals.
Yes. When performed safely and correctly, Pilates exercises are ideal for pregnant women. Pilates strengthens the body’s pelvic floor muscles, aids in proper body alignment, and strengthens the deepest abdominal muscles. These deep abdominal muscles can be accessed during the pushing stage of labor and can ease childbirth. Our instructors have gone through extensive training in perinatal exercise and will ensure you will perform each exercise safely and effectively.
No! Joseph Pilates was a boxer who began developing the Pilates Method while training German police and military officers in self-defense. The recent growth in Pilates can be attributed in large part to its higher popularity among men. Pilates workouts can be tailored to increase performance in men’s sports such as golf, football, mixed martial arts and many others.
All of the instructors at The Pilates Project are trained classically and have completed a 600 hour comprehensive program. We use classical equipment. We are, however, contemporary in our knowledge of the body and can adapt the method so it is safe and effective for all body types.
If you have experience on the Pilates apparatus you can sign up for the class without doing the intro pack.
A membership is an auto-pay that renews each month. Our packages are a la carte and have a 2 month expiration from the date of purchase.
We do not roll over remaining classes/sessions but we do allow you to freeze your membership up to 4 weeks per calendar year for personal reasons like travel or illness.
Yes. Ask about our duet offerings.