The Pilates Project Blog

Sandi Vilacoba Sandi Vilacoba

A Day in the Life of a Pilates Apprentice

What does an O.R. Nurse, a marketing consultant and a professional ballerina have in common? They are all currently pursuing their Real Pilates Teacher Training Certification at The Pilates Project .

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Sandi Vilacoba Sandi Vilacoba

Goodbye Mindbody. Hello Walla.

After a 13 year relationship, we are parting ways with Mindbody Software and partnering with Walla. If you are a studio client, here is what you need to know.

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Sandi Vilacoba Sandi Vilacoba

Why I Became a Menopause Fitness Coach

Well I think that time has arrived - at 48 years old I am definitely not in the same body I was in 20 years ago- not even 5 years ago. My energy level is down, I can hardly sleep through the night, and my stamina to get through a workout has dropped significantly. I used to be a person who was always cold and now I am always HOT. The slightest worry can turn into a full blown panic attack.

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Sandi Vilacoba Sandi Vilacoba

Holiday Gift Guide for the Pilates Obsessed

For those who are crazy about Pilates, there is no better gift than something that complements their passion. Aside from exercise, Pilates lovers tend to have an affinity for wellness, stretching, wine, and self care. We have curated some items that will help nourish their strong body, mind and spirit.,..

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Quality Wins- A Case for Lower Reps

Joseph Pilates, a boxer, a gymnast, and a weight lifter, spent his life studying how humans and animals move. He knew that the purpose of exercise was not to strain or fatigue the body but rather preserve and energize it. Quality of movement is more significant than the quantity of reps and doing too many repetitions of an exercise and fatiguing muscles can end up in injury or just being plain exhausted. He believed it was much more efficient to do 3-8 repetitions really well, move on with your day, and go live your life.

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Sandi Vilacoba Sandi Vilacoba

Springs Don’t Lie

When you resist springs on a Pilates apparatus, your muscle lengthens as it contracts. This is called an Eccentric Contraction, which is very important for everyday movement and control in real life.

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