The First Time: 7 things to Expect on Your First Pilates Session

1378045_527023194053407_393802018_nThere’s always a first time for everything. If this is your first Pilates experience, we thought we’d let you know what to expect.

  1. Expect to start from the beginning. Walking into a Pilates studio can be overwhelming. All of the apparatus... the springs... the things! Have no fear, you will learn very quickly that Pilates is a sequential workout. You will learn to move through the exercises in a slow and safe manner. You will learn how to use each piece of equipment at your own pace. So, before you start to panic at the thought of getting tangled in your leg springs - take a deep breath and rest assured that you will be more than fine.
  2. Expect your instructor to ask questions. Pilates is a workout fit for everyone. There is no “gymtimidation” here. You may have started your practice to gain strong abs, rehabilitate an injury, to stay healthy during your pregnancy, to stay young over 70, or to gain more overall balance and flexibility. Whatever the reason, your instructor is going to want to know! The more they know, the more you benefit.
  3. Expect to find your abdominals. You might think you have no ab muscles but think again! In your first session, you will be introduced to your abs and learn how can engage them to create length in your spine.
  4. Expect to move. No time to get bored here. You will move around to different apparatus throughout your session. Enjoy the movement experience and don’t worry about mastering anything on your first session. The Pilates method is a learning process!
  5. Expect to feel a little weird. Remember this is brand new. You might be moving parts of your body in a way you’ve never moved them before. Don’t fret - by your second session, you will already be familiar with some of the exercises.
  6. Expect NOT to hear blaring music. In fact, expect not to hear music at all. Pilates is based on 5 principles: concentration, control centering, precision, flow, breathing. No need to add the waltz or a four-on-the-floor rhythm to that. You can however, expect to hear your instructors calming and structured count to help you flow through the exercises.
  7. Expect to learn to love these Pilates catch phrases. Scoop your abs in and up! Lift your powerhouse! Hug the midline! Lift your tuna cans! 

For more info on Pilates catchphrases check out our blog post Pilates Catchphrases Defined. Have a happy first Pilates session! 


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